Sunday, March 15, 2009

This Weekend....

I am being a sheeple....well, at least for the rest of the weekend that is. I'm not looking at the news until Monday morning (provided the world doesn't end by then)...I am going to spend my time tonight and tomorrow with my head stuck in the proverbial sand.

Why? 'Cause my brain needs an analytic break so I don't have a psychotic one. The 'news' of AIG, Obama's economic saving bill (please note that all this is typed with fantastic sarcasm) and any number of other wonderful things happening right now will have to wait while I spend a blissful day of ignorance pampering myself. My sore muscles and tired brain demand it.

I'll be back, hopefully rested and feeling fine (I do feel fine, just brain dead)...ready to roll with the punches and add my own dose of reality to a world gone mad. Ya'll enjoy what remains of the day and tomorrow...if it all goes to hell in a handbasket, won't be much we can do but ride the waves anyway...right?

Psst...there's a little music down below...a glimpse of my own playlist (not all of it by far)...Enjoy!


HermitJim said...

Boy, do I ever know what you mean about taling a break from all the news and chaos floating around!

Take a break, rest the mind and soul, and I'll keep the coffee on for ya!

Take care, my friend!

Melonie said...

Shoot, something tells me the lousy news and crises will still be there til Monday. I'm with ya on the break! :-) ENJOY!

Mayberry said...

Enjoy yer "down time" Momma! I'm waiting for some nice weather and days off to cross paths to take a little of that myself....

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmund Burke