On a slightly more serious note, I'm feeling this particular article (h/t to ol' remus) so my sudden desire to have a set of short and longer term goals works well. I know it's coming, it always does...no Empire, no matter how big or small, has ever gone untouched. No Empire has ever completely survived, they mutate and change, dropping into oblivion or becoming something entirely new. It's just the way things work. This Empire is no different.
So, I have some incredibly short term goals and a few longer term ones. Let's start with the short.
1. Have $1k in Euro
2. Get all the credit cards
3. Have all the little nagging, annoying things that are bugging me on the car fixed by the end of August. It passed inspection, but there are still a few small things that need to be fixed so that I'm totally comfortable with the whole long distance trip.
4. Be done with furniture purchase/replacement by November. We got rid of A LOT of stuff before the trek overseas...stuff that shouldn't have been hanging around because it was costing more to keep usable than it was worth. So, being that we are soooooo close to IKEA
5. LONG term...since a deployment
See, simple and easy to achieve...without a market crash
Momma, will 1,000 Euro get y'all back across the pond? I would look into that. Check into passage on a freighter, it can be done. Come SHTF, many will probably be transporting more human cargo than anything anyways...
No, Mabe...it won't. But it would be a start. I'm not sure that should the SHTF we'd be making a beeline back to the States anyway. There are too many factors to consider to even make that kind of commiment. All of our preps and such are here, with us...we're in a pretty stable area and let's face it, spending precious $$ on a flight to chaos would be a little out there. To be honest, the Spousal Unit and myself haven't even discussed it. Yet.
Hope that all the issues get sorted out soon!
Let's hope that some things don't come to pass...but it never hurts to be prepared for ANYTHING !
Depending on the interest rate consider the credit cards before the euro's. Also I wouldn't worry about a flight across the pond with cash so much. If things are so messed up that you can't use Visa at a major business I can't see a flight working real well.
Good goals.
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