Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sun shining, breeze blowing...

and I'm stuck in the freakin' house. Not really, I did spend the morning putting together a free swing set that my folks picked up for the boys (can't argue with free). But I'm chafing under the bit here, I could have been out on a nice hike with my men except the biggest one (ie the spousal unit) didn't want to hike in the rain. Lo and rain, it isn't scheduled to be here until Monday now.

Hope he enjoys working in it...hope it comes a flood on his candy ass.

Speaking of the spousal unit, as of last Tuesday the man only has 9 1/2 pounds left to be dumped (on me apparently since I've lost no more weight) before he can officially fanangle his contract. Not a good idea, I hear some shout (ahem, my mom, his mom...the entire population of folks we know with the exception of my sister)...perhaps but unless he does it we won't ever be able to stand on our own...not now. There just aren't too many folks hiring, let alone hiring a job jumper like the spouse. Military is his best bet (and ours as a family) and he likes it best anyway...may as well do a job you love, right?


Anonymous said...

Doing what you love is great advice.

Kentucky Preppers Network

Mayberry said...

I'll second that. Nothing more miserable than a job you hate. From a fellow "job jumper" ; )

I'm on job #14 meself, including the 3 different jobs I had in high school.....

HermitJim said...

If you hafta work, doing what you like is the best way to go!

Meadowlark said...

It's a good life, no matter how difficult.

Peace out

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmund Burke