Friday, April 3, 2009

It's a Sign, I tell ya...

Call me a quack, but I really truly believe in 'signs'. Gut feelings, deja vu (I have this A LOT)...things written in the stars.

No sooner did I finish reading HermitJim and Cyg's posts (and commenting naturally, lol) and in my email popped a tidbit titled "Transformation Time." Weird, eh? It's astrology, take it as you will...BUT this was the main body:

Pluto, the planet of transformation, takes a whopping 248 years to complete a single cycle of rotation around the Sun. On average, it spends 21 years in each sign and 5 months of each year in retrograde.

Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn on April 4, signaling in a time of destruction and rebuilding, rejuvenation and regeneration. It is a time for fresh starts and dead ends. The things that we hang onto the tightest can suddenly be taken away. We may be forced to reevaluate the things we cherish most.

During a Pluto retrograde period, we will feel pressured to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. We will be urged to let go of attitudes, thinking or communication patterns, security drives, and rigid emotions that no longer serve us. This is an excellent time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning, and look into ourselves to determine exactly what we do and do not need.

Pluto retrograde imparts an intense power for investigation, so we should use this time to assess what reoccurring patterns in our lives make us feel out of control, where and why do we continually give our power away, and under what circumstances do we react so defensively that we elicit attacks from others. Pluto retrograde marks a time wherein we should seek to gain greater control over our lives.

A little freaky if you ask me. What with all the massive change in the air and so many of 'us' ready to make some odd changes and decisions...well, this is just one of those hmmmmmm moments for me. The next 5 months should be interesting to say the least, would have been anyway but now it's REALLY going to get that way!

Sidenote Rant: Why the hell is it that my friggin' mp3 refuses to shuffle it's electronic butt to the songs I really want to has to go through all the stuff I'm not in the mood for first. No, I won't hit skip...I want it to read my mind and do what I want dang it!!


Dragon said...

don't usually pay much attention to the signs, unless I'm gonna be planting...
but this one kinda fits.

Mayberry said...

Fits predictions of the "Summer of Hell"..... It's already started in Europe.... Guess they've had to put up with a lot more of this socialist crap for a lot longer than we have. They see more comin' down the pike......

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

I love it! May I "borrow" it for my PagansWan site?

Seems to codify much of the current happenings in my life.
Eerie! and Cool at the same time!!!

Jess (Ozark Momma) said...

You bet you can borrow it Cyg...I pulled from an email, lol. All yours!

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmund Burke