Friday, June 21, 2013


Your first option becomes your only option and turns out to have been the best option all along.

At least that is the hope we carry along to KY on our scouting trip.  It's been very difficult to find properties where the owner is open to lease purchase.  The first place we stumbled on happens to be one of those places with a VERY good deal on the lease (% down, % of monthly going toward purchase price and availability).  Said owner has at least two properties that fit our needs, possibly three.

All three properties are within driving distance of the School for the Deaf (yes, it will be needed for the eldest screamer) as well as a technical college and two 'regular' colleges (for me and Tanker).  They're also within walking and/or driving distance to some most excellent fishing.  They are NOT in city limits, they have room to run and grow a garden.  The hardest part will be deciding between the 2/3 as all of them have what we want AND are in our price range.

Hence the trip.

In person judgement with no real worries about vague answers (aka current landlady) about the condition of the home because....THEY'RE NEW.  Yup, I can totally handle that.

So here's to the scouting trip....may it turn into a 'keys to a NEW home' trip.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Every Single Penny Counts....

As I sit here in pain (whole 'nother story related to a cat and a swimming, not at the same time) and watch Tanker pack everything like we're moving next week, wondering exactly what his plan is when we need something he's shoved into a box, I'm reminded how great of a man I'm married to.  He's a provider (even as broken as he is), a supporter of many a mad scheme dreamt up by yours truly, a loving father and husband.  17+ years together and he still gets me.

Where does all this lead?

To a plea...for help...for a friend.

mmpaints could use a little boost.

Every cent counts...go boost.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Well Don't That Just Beat It All....

The other morning I was chatting with Mother Dearest and mentioned that we needed to separate out our New Zealand rabbits because I thought we had one of each vs two does but I didn't think they were old enough to breed.  Literally 10 minutes later I walk out to check food and water...guess what?

I was right AND wrong.  Oh yeah...there is one of each.  Oh no....they are old enough to breed.

Eight (EIGHT) little, wiggly white kits in the bed box.

Separation now complete.

Now, I guess I'll be moving Momma Bunny (aka Susan) and the kits with to what to do with every one flippin' clue.  First step is to double check everyone else and make sure the he's are he and the she's are she.  Although we already know for sure about "Suzette" and yes, he is now named A Boy Named Sue.  Thanks Sue....our rabbit population tripled overnight.

Not a bad thing IF we weren't going to be packing house and changing States in the next 45 or so days.  I guess the upside is that I know we'll have meat to stock the freezer with.  Thank goodness we've got the hutches for it!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Little Too Quiet Lately...

I know I've been.  Still here, still kicking...but things on the homefront are about to be packed and moved again.

Yes, you read it right.  Stay here and watch Tanker slowly spiral into nothingness or move on back to KY and have some semblance of a life.  KY it is.  Too many factors to bother to explain, just understand that it's something that needs to be done and I'm surprisingly okay with it.

Keep in mind that despite all the work we've done to this still is not in any kind of shape for the VA to approve a loan.  Another approx. $12k would have to be thrown at it before that would even be feasible.  Why do that when we can have brand spanking new at the same price (with less acreage, yes but still) in KY?  Just one more check in the 'pro move' column.

Other than the above craziness, my silence on all that is going down in the .gov should really speak volumes.  SHTF to follow; in what way...I don't know.  All I know is that I'm driven to get this move done and us settled as quickly as fact, it's literally almost a panic driven thing.  If we could up and go now, we would be gone.  I'd camp out in a tent, living out of the back of the Durango and trunk of the car at this point just to be done with MO and in KY.  Those that have hung here long enough know that means this 'drive' is bad.

I'm sad to leave the garden and the work we've put into the place thus far...sad to leave the friends we've made...but ready to be gone.  Ready to start yet another new chapter (I swear, I was a gypsy in a past life).

As sparse as it's been around here, look for more scarcity as we gear up to get moving.
The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmund Burke