The Waiting Game.
If you didn't already know, the Army's real motto is not "Army Strong" (or whatever it is this week)'s "Hurry up and wait
You bust your hump, pulling DD forms out of thin air that must be filled out and turned in by 0830 yesterday, kissing butt of unhappy workers (usually civilian contractors
During all of this waiting you get a half million gazillion phone calls that are updates with nothing new to report. You also make a half million gazillion phone calls to make sure that the hold up isn't caused by you and one measely little form that states you aren't infected with the Southeast Mid-Atlantic Seafoam Bluegrass Orange disease or blind. Because heaven forbid you forget to initial that 1mm line that says so. Then you wait some more.
I am not a patient person by nature. It does not bring out the sweetness in me to be kept waiting. It also does not bring out the sweetness in me to be spoken to like an idiot because I interrupted your Solitaire
So though we have orders and a fly date...we still wait.
Ahhh.... Welcome to Situation Normal, All F*%#ed Up (SNAFU)! Gotta love the military, bureaucracy within a bureaucracy. Don't forget to fill out the ID-10-T, in triplicate ; )
Aaahhh Mabe, I know it all to well from the last stint in. Only now it's everything by 5's instead of 3's. And the id-10-t is all done, lmbo.
Brings back ... memories :).
When my husband and I were in the military, we were at separate duty stations, and trying, desparately, to get stationed closer together (on the same base, preferrably, but at least in the same State ;). We jumped through every hoop, and finally, he found a unit that would take him at my post and did a DITY move to Texas from Kansas. Good thing he was living like a bachelor soldier at the time and didn't have much stuff to move ;). Everything fit, easily, into the little Honda Civic ;).
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I can understand how frustrating it is, having been there :).
Wendy~ I can only imagine (thankfully I blew out a knee before we got to experience that...odd to say thankfully). Unfornately, 6 years of civie life and all the trappings have put us way over the Civic limit, lol.
Thanks for stopping in!
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