Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happiest of Holidays

to you and yours. May the coming year see you better off than you are now (in whatever way you wish the most) and bring you a joy that is both loved and unexpected (whatever it may be).

As the storm closes in (you chose which one), I take stock of the supplies and find myself prepared for pert near hope for the coming year is that you feel and find the same sort of security and peace.

I hope your Winter Solstice was bright, your Chanukah enlightening, your Christmas is merry and your Boxing Day full...Blessings all!


Mayberry said...

Glad to know you and the screamers are set Momma. Merry Christmas, and see ya on the flip side...

Meadowlark said...

And to you ... it's been a whirlwind year, between unemployment and the youngest getting married in less than 24 days!!! Funny thing is, I think I've survived because of people like you - people I don't know in the real world, and that's OK. There are so many types of connections in this world.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmund Burke