Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dreaming Again...

weirdly enough.

The past week my sleep has been broken and filled with strange, decidedly dread inducing dreams.  All are somewhat post-apocalyptic in nature; a world once again based on small communities attempting to carve a life out of the surrounding countryside.

Normally I wouldn't find dreams like these dread inducing...normally they don't happen every single night...normally when I wake and then fall back to sleep the dream will change to something else.  This has not been the case.

My own personal demons coming through?  To much anxiety?  Possibly.  It certainly isn't from reading too many post-apocalyptic novels (haven't read one in months).

Perhaps my unconscious mind is reacting to the uncertainty we currently find ourselves in (personally, nationwide and worldwide).  Perhaps it is a sort of wishful thinking.  Or simply a personal prod to action as I've been disgustingly lax the past 3 months in making sure we are as prepared as possible for the coming year since it is our first here at the lake.

So in the weeks to follow I will be throwing myself into finishing unpacking, taking stock and making lists.  I know for a fact that we have entirely too much stuff (again) and quite a bit will be making the short journey into town to be deposited at either a consignment shop or the local thrift shop (which donates to Veteran charities).

In the meantime, I dream.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

Had those dreams for a long time. Now I've found my "sleep number", which is a six pack...

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmund Burke