Of course, one collapse will string along others in this modern interconnected world of ours. Who will be left standing unscathed? None. Even the most closed countries rely on some other country for something, not a one is self-sufficient
As it stands, I've decided that no one is ever fully prepared. No one. While our stocks and supplies will last a goodly time and my sketchy German is enough to squeak by, we will never be fully prepared for the unpredictability of the future...that's why it's called unpredictable. Heck, even the meteorologists (once pretty good at predicting weather) are getting a workout lately. Ma Nature is showing them all who is boss and refuses to fall in line with what is "average" lately.
Example: The lovely European snowfall that tangled up Holiday travelers. Yeah, light snow expected my ass! (see previous post for "light snow" pictures)
Further Example of the unpredictability of the future: Last night a sewage line burst in our building at about 10 p.m., flooding over half the basement and community laundry room with raw sewage. Storage for each apartment in the building is located...can you guess it?...in the basement. No fewer than 8 of our neighbor families have spent some part of today trying salvage what can be salvaged from the poo. We got lucky...the pipe was at the other end of the building.
Now, as one that makes some sort of an attempt at learning from the past, Further Example has prompted me to do what I had merely talked about doing all spring/summer. Fork over cash for the purchase of shelving units for our storage area. Will it keep stuff from being damaged in the event of another poo-fall or (as I've found out recently) spring thaw flooding? No, not all of it...but it'll buy us time. Time to get to the non-poo covered items and bring them to safety.
Any recent events in your day-to-day prompt you to action lately?